St. Augustine’s four craft breweries team up for fourth annual event

Coinciding with the City of St. Augustine’s Nights of Lights, the event was started in 2017 by the breweries as a way to give back to nonprofit organizations in the area while enjoying the festivities during the Nights of Lights.
“We love giving back to the community with this event. Nights of Pints is a fun way for friends and families to enjoy time together over a couple of St. Augustine craft beers,” said Courtney Murr, co-owner of Dog Rose Brewery Company, along with her husband Doug Murr.

Shirts are $30, available at any of the four breweries, and each shirt comes with a punch card — good for one free pint at each of the breweries from Nov. 14 through January 31.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Swamp Haven, a local animal rehoming and adoption organization that has worked with DogTown USA in St. Augustine for the past five years. Swamp Haven pairs dogs with new owners to create the best fit possible. Visit www. to learn more.
For more details, follow on Facebook: nightsofpints