City of St. Augustine permits spring 2021 events! Here’s the list:
From the City of St. Augustine At their February 22 regular meeting, the City of St. Augustine City Commission unanimously approved lifting the moratorium…
From the City of St. Augustine At their February 22 regular meeting, the City of St. Augustine City Commission unanimously approved lifting the moratorium…
St. Augustine’s second annual Brewers’ Festival will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 8, 20201 at the beautiful Fountain of Youth Archeological Park, 11 Magnolia Ave. The festival will include free tastings from 20+ regional breweries, local food trucks, face painting and live music; all while enjoying one of St. Augustine’s most scenic and historical locations. Tickets will be available starting March 1 at stabrewersfest.com
2021 Festivals, outdoor events and markets in St. Augustine & St. Johns County
First Coast Opera, northeast Florida’s professional opera company, will present Mozart v. Salieri on February 12 & 13 in the St. Jude Preservation Hall at St. Anastasia Catholic Church. This co-production with artists from The Alabama School of the Arts features performances of The Impresario by W.A. Mozart, and Prima la musica, poi le parole, by Antonio Salieri, both performed with English translations.
Saint Augustine Film Festival – STREAMING 129 films Jan. 14-24: The Saint Augustine Film Festival is going virtual in 2021. The 11th annual event…
Live Music on New Year’s Eve Thursday, Dec. 31 Milltop Tavern Tradewinds Tropical Lounge Ann O’Malley’s Deli & Pub – Mike Johnson and Brad…
Stream 129 independent films from your own device January 14-24 The Saint Augustine Film Festival is going virtual in 2021. The 11th annual event…
Nights of Lights Daily through Jan. 31, 2021: The City of St. Augustine glows with more than 3 million white lights during the 27th…
Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021. Usher in the new year at an outdoor event hosted by the Junior Service League of St. Augustine. A New Year’s Eve Midnight Masquerade will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Wham Bam Fest is a 3-day and night music and arts festival that will be held Dec. 11-13, 2020 at St. Johns County Fairgrounds, 5840 FL-207 E, Elkton, FL 32033. Camping is available on site.